Wednesday, September 12, 2012

NY Times "quiz" on the Institute of Medicine's recent report

I ran across this little quiz in the NY Times and thought I'd share it as a relatively fun intro to their article covering the Institute of Medicine's recent report "Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Healthcare in America".

I thought as a break from heavier reading, the quiz was fantastic!  On the more serious side, I have not read the IOM's report but it seems like the NY Times coverage is pulling out some of the more sensationalist and optimistic findings, without including many of the caveats that I'm sure are in the report.  For instance, they report that the IOM has calculated that the American healthcare system wastes $750 billion per year, but don't include any of the myriad of reasons that it's challenging to even begin to figure out how to cut down on that overspend.

On the other hand, I love that the NY Times is trying to make healthcare issues a little more fun for readers and pull them in - hopefully this will help people sit up and really think about healthcare in the coming election.

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