Friday, October 5, 2012

A friend recently sent me this great site, that I did not know about.

This website has tons of great high quality content on various topics, some of these are particularly relevant to policy, management, and public health. I have gone through the list of courses on the website and here are just a few of the really high quality courses (in my opinion). All the courses are free.

1. Community Change in Public Health -- William Brieger, Johns Hopkins
2. Model Thinking -- Scott E. Page, University of Michigan
3. An introduction to Operations Management -- Christian Terwiesch, University Of Pennsylvania
4. Organizational Analysis -- Daniel Mcfarland, Stanford University
5. Principles of Obesity Economics -- Kevin Frick, Johns Hopkins
6. Introduction to U.S. Food Systems: Perspectives from Public Health -- Robert S. Lawrence, Johns Hopkins

And just because I love history and if there are any other who do too --
7. A History of the World since 1300 -- Jeremy Adelman, Princeton University

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