Monday, November 12, 2012

No more wait-and-see on health reform

With election uncertainty behind us, it looks like the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is getting down to business on health reform implementation.

By this Friday, we'll know which states will opt to set up their own health insurance exchanges for 2014. That's the deadline for states to notify HHS of their intent, although the department has extended the deadline for states to submit their blueprints until Dec. 14. Politico reported last week that 13 states and Washington, D.C., have told HHS they'll run their own exchange, and at least five Republican governors say they won't (including Texas, Louisiana, Florida).

HHS has also started issuing more regulations on health reform. This also from Politico:
We all saw this one coming, now that the election’s over and the Affordable Care Act lives. HHS is starting to send regulations out the door like they’re going out of style. The department on Friday sent three more ACA documents to OMB for review: a proposed rule on wellness programs, a request for information on the law’s health care quality provisions and a “notice” on the enhanced FMAP for 2014. The document delivery came a day after HHS also sent over proposed rules on health insurance market reforms and another on exchanges covering essential health benefits and actuarial value, quality and accreditation.

1 comment:

Vishaal Pegany said...

Thanks for the update. I feel so out of the loop on the federal guidance on essential health benefits. I had tracked that issue very closely when I worked for the State. So many moving parts to keep track of!